(Русская версия)

Requirements for the manuscript
of the article sent to the Peer-Reviewed Scientific
and Practical Journal

General requirements (download)

Original manuscripts of articles not previously published and not intended for simultaneous publication in other editions are accepted for publication. The manuscript sent to the editorial board should correspond to the subject of the journal, the requirements of the structure and design of articles.

The text for publication of 8–15 A4 pages should be signed by the author as follows: “The manuscript has been read, facts, quotations, references have been checked”. Published for the first time. By putting his signature under the article, the author thereby transfers the rights to publish his article to the Editorial Board.

Requirements to the structure of the article:

  • UDC.
  • Author(s) in Russian and in transliteration. Name of organization (institution), e-mail, ORCID автора(ов).
  • Title of the article in capital letters in Russian and English.
  • Abstract from 150 to 250 words, no more than 2000 characters with spaces in Russian and English.
  • Keywords in the nominative case from 5 to 7 words or phrases in Russian and English.
  • Acknowledgements.
  • Funding.
  • The text of the publication in Russian is structured and has an introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions. Mixing in one article text in two or more languages is not allowed
  • • References. (Vancouver style).
  • After the article are specified: surname, name, patronymic of the author (in full), academic degree, academic title, position, full name of the place of work, legal address, contact phone number, e-mail address of the author (required).

Requirements for the manuscript:

  • Page settings А4; format; margins: 2 cm on each side.
  • Editor – Microsoft Word (.doc).
  • Font (typeface) – Times New Roman.
  • The font size (font size) – 14, without being compressed or rarefaction. In tables and illustrations it is allowed to reduce the font size to 12.
  • Paragraph indentation ("red line") – 1,25 cm.
  • Line spacing – one and a half (1,5).
  • Text alignment – width.
  • Citation of literature in the article – in the text in square brackets (for example: [3, p. 75]) - a reference to the serial number of the source and the quotation page (GOST Р 7.0.100–2018).
  • If necessary, illustrations (figures, tables and formulas) can be included in the text of the article. Numbering of figures and tables end-to-end in Arabic numerals.

Articles that do not meet these requirements for consideration by the Editorial Board will not be accepted! Author(s) on El. address, within 7 days, a notice of non-compliance of the submitted material with the requirements of the journal. After revision, the article can be re-submitted to the Journal.

Sample design of the article (download)

The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and reduce the received material.


For your information

Responsibility for authenticity and accuracy of quotations, names, titles, etc. information, as well as for compliance with laws on intellectual and other property the authors of the published materials are responsible.
© 2013-2025 editorial Board of the journal LEGAL ORDER: history, theory, practice.
All rights reserved.




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Phone: 8 (908) 570-73-15
E-mail: pravoporyadok74@bk.ru
E-mail: red_pravoporyadok74@bk.ru